Friday, November 29, 2013

Forget Black Friday, You need this one thing, like I do, and I bet you already have it! Now let's use it!

If my mom is an "A" personality then I am a "Z." She loves her calendar, daily compartmentalized vitamins and planning. And dishes. I think she even loves doing dishes. Sometimes people will ask me if I do xyz everyday and my answer is always the same. "There isn't much I do EVERY DAY." Consistency isn't my thing. Spontaneity? Yes. Flexiblity? Most of the time. Laid back-ability? Yup. Routines? Um, not so much. I am trying. Really. And little by little I have seen change in my life. And that gives me hope. But on those days when I feel like I will never change those habits that most need changing.... I hear that argument from "My Best Friends Wedding" with Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz....this one....

Man I am tech savvy!!! I can't believe I just inserted a video in a blog.... But I digress. You are NEVER going to be JELLO!! I hear this in my head, a lot! But in my case it would be Creme brulee'....  Because I am easily Jello! And to some extent, that is a good thing. The world needs jello. I love being jello. God made me jello, kind of, ok, my analogy might be coming apart at the seams. But my point is this.  I am distinctly different in some ways that are very positive,  and yet there are some things that could really use an upgrade! And the good news is, while creme brulee' can never be Jello, I serve a God that changes water into wine! Can I get a witness!!

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, so one of those upgrade needing areas in my life is my quiet time with the Lord. "Quiet Time" and "5 children" don't seem to fit in the same universe, but I know it can. I know this, because it has happened. I have made that choice to make it happen, prioritizing and such, but not daily. Not every day.

I have been on a "Read your Bible in a year"  plan for about 3 years....and I am still in the Old Testament! To add insult to injury, I just heard that in the last three years a man tweeted out the entire Bible. Yikes. It makes no sense for me NOT to open the word every day. Almost every time I open the Word, it's as if God knew just what I would need at that moment. I mean, reading through Job when your daughter breaks her arm in two? Coincidence? Sure, you can think so, if it was just that one time. But any child of God (by this definition) can concur. The Bible is living and active and can and will speak to you in whichever circumstance you find yourself, especially when you get on a regular reading regimen.

Here's the thing. I need accountability. My house is always cleanest right before someone is going to come over and see it. I always floss my teeth the week or day before I go to the dentist. I study most the night before a test. I work out more when someone meets me at the gym. And I know I am not unique.  Despite the socialism mindset that is trying to sweep the country, we as humans simply operate most efficiently when there is a deadline, based on accountability or reward. So you, my dear friends, are invited to be my accountability partners! I am going to be reading through Samuel I, a chapter a day (or so). And I would love for you to join me. I am going to open up the comments section so you can share too. Also, make sure to follow through email so you get that daily reminder.

Now, for my grace loving friends, I want to make this clear. I am not doing this to "earn points with God."  Just like I wouldn't take my vitamins every day to "earn points with my body." But I am doing this because I need to. Like I need to drink more water, like I need to get more sleep. But this need actually trumps all those physical needs because everything hinges on the well being of my spirit. Everything.

So if you want to join me, let's go!! And if you get behind, just jump in. Or catch up, or whatever. There is no guilt. There is only the natural rewards of the power of God's Word when you do, and the grace of His mercies being new every morning when you don't.

My main suggestion is to read the passage and meditate on it by yourself, in addition to the blog. God's Word will not return void and His words are life. And I will only be quoting verses, not the whole passage. Unless I just can't help myself!!

What do you think? Who's in?


  1. I'm in. I need accountability too, and often feel like I should be reading parts of the Bible not "assigned" by my CBS study . . .because that can sometimes feel like my "job". Thank you for the very gracious challenge.

  2. Ok so I'm alittle late but I'm in :)

  3. There is no "late" Shanti! So excited to study God's word with you again!
